Whale Microbiome, Rubik’s Cubes, and the Believability of Fictional Creatures: Lux Recommends #105
Welcome to Lux Recommends #105, the newest edition of what we at Lux are reading and thinking about (and want to receive this by email? Sign up here).
The PayPal Mafia of Self-Driving Cars Has Been at It a Decade: “A Pentagon-funded contest spawned many of today’s self-driving startups. A decade later, the competitors are struggling to perfect the technology.” — Peter
An Entrepreneur Aims To Peer Inside The Body With A Small, Simple, Cheap Device — Adam G
Fantastic Beasts and How to Rank Them: This is a delightful piece: “The relative plausibility of impossible beings tells you a lot about how the mind works.” — Sam
Archaeologists discover mysterious void deep within Great Pyramid of Giza: “Muon-detecting sensors have revealed a huge hidden cavity hidden within the pyramid — the first major structural find since the 19th century” — Sam
The fantastic voyage of a bag of cells shipped west to be trained in the art of cancer killing — Adam G
Tiny Desk: Get lost in NPR’s tiny desk concerts —Adam G
Extensive Core Microbiome in Drone-Captured Whale Blow Supports a Framework for Health Monitoring: The microbiome in the exhaled breath (whale) of humpback whales. — Natalie
Use of Weapons by Iain M. Banks: A novel set in the Culture—a galaxy-spanning incredibly advanced post-scarcity civilization—and featuring one of its agents who cavorts from planet to planet, infiltrating societies on behalf of the Culture. — Sam
Guy Tests Out An 8,000-Year-Old Egyptian Mousetrap Design — Adam K
Watch This Kid Shatter The Rubik’s Cube World Record — Adam K
The world’s longest pizza is over a mile long — Adam K
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