Vegetables, Fast Grants, and a Humpback Whale: Lux Recommends #283
Welcome to Lux Recommends #283, this week’s edition of what we at Lux are reading and thinking about (want to receive this by email? Sign up here).
Humpback Whale Nearly Eats a Lobsterman, Then Thinks Better of It: “Michael Packard, a lobster diver in Provincetown, Mass., found himself inside the mouth of a whale on Friday morning, then was spit out.” — Adam K
Kill the 5-Day Workweek: “Reducing hours without reducing pay would reignite an essential but long-forgotten moral project: making American life less about work.” — Sam
Link found between gut microbes and stroke: “Findings lay the groundwork for new stroke treatments, prevention strategies” — Adam G
How Humans Think When They Think As Part of a Group: ‘The fancy word for it is “entitativity,” and it’s produced when people act and feel together in close proximity. We need it more, but we’re getting it less.’ — friend of Lux Bryan White
The Big Tuna Sandwich Mystery: “A lawsuit against America’s largest sandwich chain has raised questions about America’s most popular canned fish. We tried to answer one: Is Subway selling tuna?” — Adam K
Dark Energy Survey releases most precise look at the universe’s evolution — Rahul
Yep, We Made Up Vegetables — Deena
Pioneering space reproduction research yields healthy baby mice — Adam K
Special Straw May Be Reliable Cure for Hiccups: “Study: The device helps control diaphragm contractions, preventing hiccup-causing muscle spasms.” — Zack
Honours for innovators — the case for an Elizabethan Order — Sam
One Man’s Amazing Journey to the Center of the Bowling Ball: “Mo Pinel spent a career reshaping the ball’s inner core to harness the power of physics. He revolutionized the sport — and spared no critics along the way.” — Adam K
Who do we invent for? Patents by women focus more on women’s health, but few women get to invent— Deena
Skier Captures Incredible Weather Phenomenon the Rare ‘Sun Dog’ on Camera — Adam K
What We Learned Doing Fast Grants — Sam
The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V.E. Schwab: “France, 1714: in a moment of desperation, a young woman makes a Faustian bargain to live forever―and is cursed to be forgotten by everyone she meets.” — friend of Lux Guy Perelmuter
The first time an unmanned aircraft has ever refueled another aircraft — Adam K
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