Vegetables, Fast Grants, and a Humpback Whale: Lux Recommends #283

2 min readJun 25, 2021

By Sam Arbesman, PhD

Welcome to Lux Recommends #283, this week’s edition of what we at Lux are reading and thinking about (want to receive this by email? Sign up here).


Humpback Whale Nearly Eats a Lobsterman, Then Thinks Better of It: “Michael Packard, a lobster diver in Provincetown, Mass., found himself inside the mouth of a whale on Friday morning, then was spit out.” — Adam K

Kill the 5-Day Workweek: “Reducing hours without reducing pay would reignite an essential but long-forgotten moral project: making American life less about work.” — Sam

Link found between gut microbes and stroke: “Findings lay the groundwork for new stroke treatments, prevention strategies” — Adam G

How Humans Think When They Think As Part of a Group: ‘The fancy word for it is “entitativity,” and it’s produced when people act and feel together in close proximity. We need it more, but we’re getting it less.’ — friend of Lux Bryan White

The Big Tuna Sandwich Mystery: “A lawsuit against America’s largest sandwich chain has raised questions about America’s most popular canned fish. We tried to answer one: Is Subway selling tuna?” — Adam K

Dark Energy Survey releases most precise look at the universe’s evolutionRahul

Yep, We Made Up VegetablesDeena

Pioneering space reproduction research yields healthy baby miceAdam K

Special Straw May Be Reliable Cure for Hiccups: “Study: The device helps control diaphragm contractions, preventing hiccup-causing muscle spasms.” — Zack

Honours for innovators — the case for an Elizabethan OrderSam

One Man’s Amazing Journey to the Center of the Bowling Ball: “Mo Pinel spent a career reshaping the ball’s inner core to harness the power of physics. He revolutionized the sport — and spared no critics along the way.” — Adam K

Who do we invent for? Patents by women focus more on women’s health, but few women get to inventDeena

Skier Captures Incredible Weather Phenomenon the Rare ‘Sun Dog’ on CameraAdam K

What We Learned Doing Fast GrantsSam


The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V.E. Schwab: “France, 1714: in a moment of desperation, a young woman makes a Faustian bargain to live forever―and is cursed to be forgotten by everyone she meets.” — friend of Lux Guy Perelmuter


The first time an unmanned aircraft has ever refueled another aircraftAdam K

An optical illusionAdam K

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