Soil Science, Simulating Worlds, and English Spelling: Lux Recommends #288
Welcome to Lux Recommends #288, this week’s edition of what we at Lux are reading and thinking about (want to receive this by email? Sign up here).
DeepMind creates ‘transformative’ map of human proteins drawn by artificial intelligence: “DeepMind plans to release hundreds of millions of protein structures for free” — Shaq
Wild Superyacht Secrets I Learned When I Became a Deckhand: “From cannabis buffets to choppering in caviar, posh charter life can be a rough ride for the crew.” — Lux friend Tommy Kane
New Jersey Has Become a Hub for Flavor Companies — Deena
Can Silicon Valley Find God? “Artificial intelligence promises to remake the world. These believers are fighting to make sure thousands of years of text and tradition find a place among the algorithms.” — Sam
A Soil-Science Revolution Upends Plans to Fight Climate Change: “A centuries-old concept in soil science has recently been thrown out. Yet it remains a key ingredient in everything from climate models to advanced carbon-capture projects.” — Nelson
The Math Ph.D. Who Just Shocked Olympic Cycling: “Austria’s Anna Kiesenhofer escapes early to fend off a confused Dutch superteam and capture gold” — Zack
Simulating worlds on the GPU: “Four billion years in four minutes” — Will
Scenario: an extinction level asteroid is detected on a collision course with the earth. here is an exact timeline of what would happen: Humor. — Sam
A magnetic helmet shrunk a deadly tumor in world-first test: “The user-friendly medical device can be operated at home.” — Rahul
More Protein Folding Progress — What’s It Mean? — Adam G
Typos, tricks and misprints: “Why is English spelling so weird and unpredictable? Don’t blame the mix of languages; look to quirks of timing and technology” — Sam
Astronomers may have spotted a distant alien moon being born — Adam K
Track Star Races The NYC Subway — Sam
Gangs of Monkeys Get Into a Traffic-Halting Brawl in Thailand — friend of Lux Jeff Cooper
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