Simulmatics, Flyswatting, and Speed vs. Entropy: Lux Recommends #243
Welcome to Lux Recommends #243, this week’s edition of what we at Lux are reading and thinking about (want to receive this by email? Sign up here).
How the Simulmatics Corporation Invented the Future: “When J.F.K. ran for President, a team of data scientists with powerful computers set out to model and manipulate American voters. Sound familiar?” — Sam
Physicists pin down the pay off between speed and entropy— friend of Lux Bryan White
Mystery of Interstellar Visitor ‘Oumuamua Gets Trickier: “Aliens? Or a chunk of solid hydrogen? Which idea makes less sense?” — Sam
Humans could soon be able to grow new livers inside their own bodies by injecting healthy cells into their lymph nodes, scientists claim after a successful trial in pigs — Adam K
Netflix’s High Score proves we need a better history of video games: “The story of games should be told by those who don’t feel the need to always make them look good” — Seth Gerson, CEO of Lux portfolio company Survios
The time it takes a hacker to crack your password depending on the complexity of your password — Adam K
The Radical Plan to Save the Fastest Sinking City in the World: “Many of our coastal cities are imperiled, but none have plotted an escape quite as audacious as Jakarta’s” — Adam K
Individualism During Crises: Quantifying American individualism and how our culture has “offset 41% of the effect of state lockdowns on social distancing and dampened COVID-related donations by 48%.” — Alex
Fake cop car blasts through ‘Cannonball Run’ NYC-to-LA record— Lux Friend Dave Cheiken
Why is it so hard to swat a fly? — Adam K
Lux’s Deena Shakir interviewed on Something Ventured
World’s Toughest Race: Eco-Challenge Fiji: “From the creator of Survivor, 66 teams descend upon Fiji to compete in the most epic global adventure race ever attempted.” — Adam K
Expedition to the Edge: “Captain Clemens and his rag tag group of family and friends will quickly learn the price of adventure when a voyage with friends unravels into a life-or-death crisis forcing all hands-on-deck.” — Adam K
Inside the Edge: A Professional Blackjack Adventure — Lux friend Tommy Kane
Artist Creates Realistic Food With Embroidery — Sam
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