Simulmatics, Flyswatting, and Speed vs. Entropy: Lux Recommends #243

2 min readAug 28, 2020

By Sam Arbesman, PhD

Welcome to Lux Recommends #243, this week’s edition of what we at Lux are reading and thinking about (want to receive this by email? Sign up here).


How the Simulmatics Corporation Invented the Future: “When J.F.K. ran for President, a team of data scientists with powerful computers set out to model and manipulate American voters. Sound familiar?” — Sam

Physicists pin down the pay off between speed and entropy— friend of Lux Bryan White

Mystery of Interstellar Visitor ‘Oumuamua Gets Trickier: “Aliens? Or a chunk of solid hydrogen? Which idea makes less sense?” — Sam

Humans could soon be able to grow new livers inside their own bodies by injecting healthy cells into their lymph nodes, scientists claim after a successful trial in pigsAdam K

Netflix’s High Score proves we need a better history of video games: “The story of games should be told by those who don’t feel the need to always make them look good”Seth Gerson, CEO of Lux portfolio company Survios

The time it takes a hacker to crack your password depending on the complexity of your passwordAdam K

The Radical Plan to Save the Fastest Sinking City in the World: “Many of our coastal cities are imperiled, but none have plotted an escape quite as audacious as Jakarta’s” — Adam K

Individualism During Crises: Quantifying American individualism and how our culture has “offset 41% of the effect of state lockdowns on social distancing and dampened COVID-related donations by 48%.” — Alex

Fake cop car blasts through ‘Cannonball Run’ NYC-to-LA record— Lux Friend Dave Cheiken

Why is it so hard to swat a fly?Adam K


Lux’s Deena Shakir interviewed on Something Ventured


World’s Toughest Race: Eco-Challenge Fiji: “From the creator of Survivor, 66 teams descend upon Fiji to compete in the most epic global adventure race ever attempted.” — Adam K

Expedition to the Edge: “Captain Clemens and his rag tag group of family and friends will quickly learn the price of adventure when a voyage with friends unravels into a life-or-death crisis forcing all hands-on-deck.” — Adam K


Inside the Edge: A Professional Blackjack Adventure — Lux friend Tommy Kane


Artist Creates Realistic Food With EmbroiderySam

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