Mini-Organs, Stamp Design, and a Pandemic Spiral: Lux Recommends #245
Welcome to Lux Recommends #245, this week’s edition of what we at Lux are reading and thinking about (want to receive this by email? Sign up here).
America Is Trapped in a Pandemic Spiral: “As the U.S. heads toward the winter, the country is going round in circles, making the same conceptual errors that have plagued it since spring.” — Sam
The coronavirus is mutating — does it matter? “Different SARS-CoV-2 strains haven’t yet had a major impact on the course of the pandemic, but they might in future.” — Adam G
Another underappreciated part of the USPS? Its exceptional design: “For decades, the USPS has tapped some of the world’s best designers to get creative on those 1-inch-by-1.25-inch canvasses we call stamps.” — Sam
Japan’s ancient vegetarian meal: “Believed to align the mind, body and soul, shojin ryori is a fascinating insight into the careful balance of new and old perfected by Japan.” — Lux friend NDR
New Tracking Technology Will Help Fight Rhino Poaching in Namibia: ‘Interactive software that “reads” and analyzes footprints left by black rhinoceroses can be used to monitor the movements of the animals in the wild, giving conservationists a new way to keep watch on the endangered species and help keep it safe from poachers, according to a Duke University-led study.’ — Adam G
Why Facts Don’t Change Our Minds — T2
World’s oldest artwork uncovered in Indonesian cave— Adam K
Mini-organs grown from patients’ own tissue could offer treatment hope for children with intestinal failure — Adam G
Street View of 1940s New York — friend of Lux Eric Lichtenstein
A picture in 365 slices. Each slice is one day of the year — Adam K
Remarkable underwater footage of an osprey grabbing a trout — Adam K
Best shadow puppets ever — Adam K
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