Dungeons & Dragons, Crocodile vs. Hippos, and a Robotic Cat Pillow: Lux Recommends #104
Welcome to Lux Recommends #104, the newest edition of what we at Lux are reading and thinking about (and want to receive this by email? Sign up here).
The Judge’s Code: “Meet the judge who codes — and decides tech’s biggest cases” — Sam
An ace in the hole for DNA sequencing: Sequencing wars. — Adam G
When the Revolution Came for Amy Cuddy: “As a young social psychologist, she played by the rules and won big: an influential study, a viral TED talk, a prestigious job at Harvard. Then, suddenly, the rules changed.” — Adam G
What it takes to be a drone racer: “Jordan Temkin and Big Whoop are helping to define a new sport.” — Adam G
The Uncanny Resurrection of Dungeons & Dragons: D&D is back. — Sam
Microbiome Connections to Disease Get Stronger — Adam G
This headless robotic cat pillow will wag its way into your heart: As advertised. — Sam
Online Wonder
Worldbuilding Stack Exchange: “a question and answer site for writers/artists using science, geography and culture to construct imaginary worlds and settings.” My new favorite site, which covers everything from “Could a sedentary organism develop intelligence, or even sentience?” and “Could a classical era or middle ages civilization advance in shipbuilding and colonize multiple distant continents?” to “Is it possible for a planet to have few metal ores but an overabundance of gemstones?” What a delight. — Sam
WTF? What’s the Future and Why it’s up to Us by Tim O’Reilly: Highlights the opportunities for a productive collaboration between human and intelligent machines to allow humanity to do and be more. — Renata
Jerry Before Seinfeld: “Jerry Seinfeld returns to the club that gave him his start in the 1970s, mixing iconic jokes with stories from his childhood and early days in comedy.” —Adam G
Marc Maron on Pioneering Podcasting, Performing Comedy in Boston, and Interviewing Celebrities from The Bill Simmons Podcast —Adam G
Science Photo of the Week
A geyser photographed right before eruption — Adam K
Fred Harwin hand paints highly detailed prosthetic eyes —Adam G
Croc Faces Off Against 30 Hippos, Things Go About As You’d Expect — Adam K
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