Beacons of Civilization, Rainbow Clouds, and Elephants and Bees: Lux Recommends #116
Welcome to Lux Recommends #116, this week’s edition of what we at Lux are reading and thinking about (and want to receive this by email? Sign up here).
They Are Watching You — and Everything Else on the Planet: “Technology and our increasing demand for security have put us all under surveillance. Is privacy becoming just a memory?” — Zack
500,000 Britons’ Genomes Will Be Public by 2020, Transforming Drug Research: “Six drug firms are paying to sequence the genes of every volunteer in the UK Biobank.” — Adam G
How the Chan Zuckerberg Science Initiative plans to solve disease by 2100: “Its president, Cori Bargmann, sets out three ways to accelerate science — creativity, openness and shareable resources.” — Adam G
Showing Off to the Universe: Beacons for the Afterlife of Our Civilization: Very long and somewhat meandering, but lots of interesting ideas and fodder for further thoughts in here. — Sam
The research hardware in your video-game system: Science goes 3D. — Adam G
Stunning rainbow cloud caught on video: What to know about the cloud iridescence meteorological phenomenon — Lindsay Kalish
The World’s Most Popular Liquor Becomes Scarce On Many Shelves: I’ve tried it. And it’s intense. — Adam G
Elephants Are Very Scared of Bees. That Could Save Their Lives. — Adam K
Ringworld by Larry Niven: A team of humans and aliens mount a mission to explore a massive structure that surrounds its star (the “ringworld”), with a surface area 3 million times that of the Earth. A delightfully rich example of world-building. Currently re-reading and enjoying thoroughly. — Sam
Rotten: “Rotten dives deep into the food production underworld to expose the corruption, waste and real dangers behind your everyday eating habits.” — Adam G
The Post: “A cover-up that spanned four U.S. Presidents pushed the country’s first female newspaper publisher and a hard-driving editor to join an unprecedented battle between the press and the government.” — Adam G
Never-before-seen footage of baby clownfish hatching —Adam G
How Ed Sheeran Made ‘Shape of You’ the Year’s Biggest Track — Adam K
A choir imitates a thunderstorm — Sam
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