AI vs. Doctors, Robot Backflips, and Mitochondrial Replacement: Lux Recommends #107

2 min readNov 17, 2017

By Sam Arbesman, PhD

Welcome to Lux Recommends #107, the newest edition of what we at Lux are reading and thinking about (and want to receive this by email? Sign up here).


Humans 2.0: “Of the germline engineering approaches, mitochondrial replacement, rather than gene editing, is poised to have the greatest impact on our lives.” — Adam G

The Physics of When, Exactly, Star Wars Takes Place: “Assuming the Star Wars galaxy is in our universe, we need a few indicators to determine when in our universe’s history Star Wars could occur.” — Adam K

This Man Is Leading an AI Revolution in Silicon Valley — And He’s Just Getting Started: Fascinating profile of the Nvidia CEO.— Alex

Lamborghini creates world’s first ‘self-healing’ sports car: “Using sensors the car can conduct its own health check to detect any damages and self-repair itself by filling the crack with nanotubes to prevent it spreading.” — Adam K

AI vs Doctors: “Artificial intelligence is challenging doctors on their home turf. We’re keeping score” — Sam

The Bad Hair, Incorrect Feathering, and Missing Skin Flaps of Dinosaur Art: “Inside the pitfalls of illustrating prehistoric creatures.” — Sam

Spooky Sounds from Across the Solar System: From NASA. — Adam K

Featuring the Lux Portfolio

A.I. Researchers Leave Elon Musk Lab to Begin Robotics Start-Up: “Their start-up, Embodied Intelligence, is backed by $7 million in funding from the Silicon Valley venture capital firm Amplify Partners and other investors. The company will specialize in complex algorithms that allow machines to learn tasks on their own. Using these methods, existing robots could learn to, for example, install car parts that aren’t quite like the parts they have installed in the past, sort through a bucket of random holiday gifts as they arrive at a warehouse, or perform other tasks that machines traditionally could not.” — Shahin


Hoodies Up in 30 for 30Adam G


Atomic Blonde: “An undercover MI6 agent is sent to Berlin during the Cold War to investigate the murder of a fellow agent and recover a missing list of double agents.” — Adam G


Springsteen on Broadway: One of America’s best singer/song-writers performing an intimate 900 person show that is an autobiography set to his music. It was incredible. —Adam K


Reconstructing Visual Experiences from Brain Activity Evoked by Natural MoviesBilal

Making a two-legged robot walk is hard enough, but have you ever seen one do a backflip?Adam K

Elevator scenes in movies debunked & fact-checkedSam

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