A Census of Physics, Stanislaw Lem, and a Ghost Town of Castles: Lux Recommends #164

2 min readJan 18, 2019

By Sam Arbesman, PhD

Welcome to Lux Recommends #164, this week’s edition of what we at Lux are reading and thinking about (want to receive this by email? Sign up here).


The Beautiful Mind-Bending of Stanislaw Lem: ‘If Updike calls Lem a poet of “scientific terminology” and says his books are thrilling “especially for those whose hearts beat faster when the Scientific American arrives each month,” it is that synthesis of style and fact that has allowed Lem to have survived translation at least enough to have become one of the most widely read science-fiction writers of all time.’ — Sam

Most downloaded bioRxiv preprints of 2018: “There were 20,050 manuscripts posted to biorxiv.org in 2018, downloaded 5,730,324 times. Below are the 25 preprints posted in 2018 that got the most downloads in that year.Zavain

Attacking Biology’s Complexity with New Genomics Approaches Adam G

Taking census of physics: “This detailed, longitudinal census of physics can inform resource allocation policies and provide students, editors and scientists with a broader view of the field’s internal dynamics.” — Sam

In 2019, cultural divides between science and art will cease to exist: “We understand now that the arts and sciences are the subjective and objective poles of the same great human enterprise, that there is only one world out there and we have to view it with an ever-curious and ever broadening mind” — Sam

Why forgetting may make your mind more efficient: “Evidence builds for ways that the brain actively erases memories” — Bilal

Researchers Create Perfect Blood Vessels in a Petri Dish for the First Time: “The researchers also demonstrated that it is possible to grow functioning human blood vessels in another species.” — Adam K

Extreme opponents of genetically modified foods know the least but think they know the mostAdam G

See an eerie ghost town of castles, created by Turkey’s recession: “Empty houses are a familiar sight in countries where economic recession has kneecapped booming real estate development. But few look as Gothic as these.” — Peter

The longest car in the world is dead, but it’s coming back to lifeAdam K


Whales: An Illustrated Celebration by Kelsey Oseid: “A gorgeously illustrated, entertaining, and educational guide to the wonderful whales, dolphins, and porpoises of the world.” — Sam


Painting the Mona Lisa with paintballs and Replacing tiles in an LED wallAdam K

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